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Rebel Daughter Cookies celebrates Cookie Monster’s birthday

Image courtesy of Rebel Daughter Cookies

Specialty bakery Rebel Daughter Cookies is taking the famous Cookie Monster catchphrase “C is for Cookie” to heart with the best of his favorite food.

In celebration of the Sesame Street character’s birthday on November 2, Rebel Daughter is promoting its gourmet sweets created to indulge your inner rebel. These thick, doughy spheres stuffed with premium ingredients include the following flavors:

  • WHITE UNICORN – A fruity cereal sugar cookie with a colorful white chocolate surprise center, rounded out by the tangy crunch of Nerds
  • THE BLACKOUT – A brownie-cookie bomb with a fudgy middle and a hint of salt
  • S’MORE PLEASE – An individually hand-toasted marshmallow nestled in a chocolate chunk cookie, finished in a crisp graham cracker crust
  • CHURRO – A massive chocolate chunk cookie smothered in cinnamon sugar

The Rebel Daughter brand is centered around women empowerment, especially relevant in October for National Women’s Small Business Month. The bakery offers a menu of seven mainstay cookies, rotating specials and three flavors of lactation cookies made especially for breastfeeding mothers.

The bakery was recently featured in Food Network's "14 Best Food Gifts 2021 for Everyone on Your List" for the holiday season, spotlighting its Cookies Crowd Favorites Sampler.

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